
TuanKou Spa Resort Hotel - LinAn, China

The project is located in TuanKou Town, LinAn City, northwest of Zhejiang. It is targeting the local market of Hangzhou, Japan-style hot spring hotel project. The site is confluence zone of four streams, that is LiangXi, TuanXi, ShenXi, Tangxi. There is Mt. Phoenix at the north of site, TuanXi stream at the south of site, so that the site has a rich natural environment conditions. The site is divided into two parts by LiangXi streaming from north to south. The east is phase 1 site for the spa hotel which is the total floor area of about 7200sqm. The west is phase 2 expansion site for villas which is the total floor area of about 2800sqm. It is a high-end spa hotel project, that is total floor area of 10,000 sqm, consists of 9 Phoenix Hill villa rooms, 34 LiangXi rooms, 17 villas.

Architecture Status


If you want contact us, please send an e-mail to the following address.
tell: +86 18318380752
address: 1-2503, Dongfangbali, Qingcheng, Qingyuan, Guangdong, China.